Markets, Politics

Americans & Europeans Are Not Prepared for Retirement “Golden Years”

The ING International Survey Savings 2019 surveyed 14,695 people in Europe, the US, and Australia, and discovered the majority worry about not having enough money in retirement.

  • The ING International Survey Savings 2019 surveyed 14,695 people in Europe, the US, and Australia, and discovered the majority worry about not having enough money in retirement.

Residents of economically stressed European nations are worrying as they near retirement. More than half of all people, in primarily developed nations, are worrying about their retirement savings. 69% of surveyed Spanish and 67% of French worry about their retirement fund. In the US, that number is 62%.

Approximately half of retirees are taking a hit in their standard of living once they reach their golden age. Again, French are at the top of the list with 69% of surveyed participants saying they do not enjoy the same standard of living in retirement as they had when they were working. In the US, this number is only 30%.

With governments all burdened in debt, it’s widely expected that budget cuts are in the near future. Low saving rates are becoming a norm amongst the middle class who are living paycheck to paycheck. Inequality is becoming a bigger issue. Retirement is not the forward looking event it once used to be.

Article by: Francisco Cortez – Delgado
I graduated from Queen’s University with a Master’s of Political Studies. The intertwined world of politics and economics intrigue me. My favourite stories to cover are the ones that show how a few selected officials can impact nationwide macro-economic policies. I also follow the broader markets and FOREX.